Flesh Hounds of Distraction

So I completed a unit of five Kromlech gnaws well over a year ago, but I recently found the first two pictures in my drafts folder and thought I might as well post them.  Five is sort of the magic number (in addition to eight of course) because I use them as a stand in for flesh hounds of Khorne and that is the minimum number to form a pack of these gribblies.

I wish Kromlech had more than six different sculpts of gnaws so I could buy more different looking ones and expand my pack of giant squig daemon thingies.  I’ve used them in games a lot and they’ve died a lot (perhaps I should call them flesh hounds of Distraction?) and as expected massacred more than their share of imperial and xenos scum alike.  I’m sure Khorne would approve for “Khorne cares not whe-” … well, you get the idea.

The third picture below is much later, from the most recent game of 40K I played in February 2017.  They are pretty meaty beasts; I could almost see an ork, bloodletter, or human sorcerer riding one into battle.  Maybe not the one with the ridge of dorsal spines though.

They always seem to end up in a conga line for some reason.  Too bad they don’t have arms!

So I have one one gnaw left that I’ve never painted; the only one coincidentally who has a proper nose. I have avoided the official flesh hounds for a number of reasons. Foremost is because I don’t care for the daemon meets ceratopsian look. I figure at about $10 per model I should at least like the sculpts. Also, I’ve found GW’s resin to be very hit or miss in terms of quality.

Not sure if I’m going to need more flesh hounds, but if I do I still have the gnaw with a nose to paint as well as a box of chaos warhounds I put together but haven’t primed yet. For now though the small pack of five is fulfilling the role I want for my giant daemon dog grinning squig thingies.  Lord Khorne and Lady Distraction are both well pleased!

8 responses to “Flesh Hounds of Distraction”

  1. Nice work here on the big squigs. I have to admit, I would never have thought of them as stand-ins for Fleshhounds but they clearly work well. Though I think we’re well overdue for some quality modern Fleshhound models harking back to the originals in the same way they did with the Bloodletters.

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    • Thank you. When I originally bought them my thought was to do something for them for Orks, but I started becoming interested in daemons and so that is how they became ersatz flesh hounds.

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