A Two Eyed Poxbringer and the Yellow Mold

I finished up my poxbringer from the Start Collecting box for Azazel’s Jewel of July painting challenge.  The idea this time is to paint models that are sort of in the middle of the pecking order such as medics, lower level leaders, particularly swanky robots and so on.  They should stand out from the rank and file, but aren’t really mean to stand alone.

The poxbringer buffs other friendly Nurgle daemon units by making them a bit physically stronger, and he also fights directly with a rather vicious sword and by being a minor psyker.  He is no slouch in Age of Sigmar either.  So he seems like a great candidate for Jewel of July.

Why can’t nurglings ever take anything seriously?!

I added a new disease to my collection:  the dreaded Yellow Mold.  The poxbringer told me that this malady was originally brewed by an adept for use against some particularly troublesome feral orks, by mutating ork spores.  I told him that they just ripped off the idea from original Dungeons and Dragons.  He said that Nurgle’s Yellow Mold isn’t adversely affected by either intense light nor fire (though the carrier might be) and that besides, “Everyone knows that D&D is just a made up game as opposed to real life.”

Yikes! Looks like that yellow mold is catching.

For my Yellow Mold, I liberally applied some acrylic texture fiber paste that I mixed with a bit Averland Sunset paint to the area in question.  I teased the mixture so it would dry with a sort of furry or spiky texture.  I drybrushed the area around the mold with sunset, and then did another light drybrush with white paint.  I sealed the whole thing with a matte varnish to protect the pasted area, since the miniature will be handled a fair bit.

I used the left over paste on his sword with the idea that our poxbringer coats his blade with the mold, and occasionally leaves a victim alive but wounded….

I’m rather pleased at how the texture came out on his arm.

The mold initially makes itself known by its characteristic diuretic effect.  After several weeks of raging thirst the host dies from dehydration.  Delightfully, drinking more fluids seems to intensify and hasten the process.  The mold then throws off contagious, airborne spores and dies.  In the case of nurgle daemons it simply reaches an non-contagious equilibrium much like what is shown here with our friend.

If our friend wants the mold to become contagious, he waters it for about a week then stops.  The mold will then throw spores and settle back into a sort of dormant state.  Alternately (and preferably) he can force feed a portion of it to a victim, release that person and let nature takes its merry course.

So now some obligatory painfully close close-ups!

I personally propose purple guts are particularly pretty!   🙂

The purple bit is fairly subtle at tabletop distances, but it does a little variety to the usual bloody abdominal tableau.  The recipe came from the the very useful January 2018 White Dwarf.  I’m toying with the idea of testing it out as a flesh color on a daemonette, but we’ll see.

I put the suction palm-tentacle thing on his hand because I had a little extra green stuff left over from something else and I didn’t want to waste it.  Pretty much the same for the sword with the fiber paste mixure, as well as the fact that I had tried a couple of different things with the sword and still wasn’t satisfied.


So the first herald I painted, Urnafortunus, will more often than not receive a lateral transfer to the rank of spoilpox scrivener.  I like the scrivener’s powers but do not favor the official model.  It is nice enough but I’m not a fan of Nurgle daemons being accountants.  Such beings are meant to get their hands dirty.  Leave the paperwork to Tzeetch’s minions, who love such things, says I!

I’m continuing work on my poxwalkers and hope to have another to add to my growing mob for next time, along with a cultist who looks an awful lot like this guy.  Have been doing a lot of priming too and  hope to make a start on painting my trio of old school plague marines at some point soon.

25 responses to “A Two Eyed Poxbringer and the Yellow Mold”

  1. Super work as always, and I’m impressed by your dedication to further the tallying of diseases. The photography is really good too; I can’t get my whole miniatures to look as good in photos as your close-ups here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, I try my best. I found that using a cheap light box really improved my crappy cell phone camera pictures to no end.


    • Thank you, Dave. You know, I went into the project thinking, “I’ve already got that Kromlech thing that I’m using as a herald, what do I need to do this one for?” … except that I want to complete the Start Collecting box at some point. By the time I was done I did indeed find the model to have been fun and I’m glad I did it, plus now I have two heralds or a herald and a Kromlech-counts-as-Scrivener.

      One always wants Grandpa to be proud!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I got nothing new to add, but props where it’s due! Great texture effect, sick paint job and man your description, detailed. Like, grindark detailed. Ace work.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Excellent work! The mould effect came out really cool. I also like how with Nurgle stuff, specifying two eyes is actually a distinctive trait instead of just the norm!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you. Yes, lol, there is a lot good to be said about an army where you have to specify that a trooper has two eyes. 🙂


  4. Lovely disgusting work here, Ann. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on with the rear shot of the Poxbringer, but then the side shot of that arm really sells it completely! Fantastic!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Azazel. I do agree that without the close up that it would be hard to see what the deal was with the yellow mold.


  5. This is amazing. Really… i love the yellow mould. I was discussing wth krakendoomcool the other day about verieties of decay and how they can be varied and depicted on models (i was discussing radiation at the time). Obviously though the standard means for things to normally brake down are invertibrate, miceobial and mould!

    That arm looks amazong, i love that it looks like the mould is weakening the flesh to the point it sloughs off the arm. The fuzzy splore lika nature of it reminds me of an x-files episode where a deadly fungus grows and bursts out of the throats of the victims, spreading their spores.

    Your Nurgle things look fantastic, such a great aesthetic.

    And theres nothing wrong with Tzeenchian paperwork! The Blue Scribes are cool!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Many thanks. The arm, where I concentrated the mold, already had holes in the arms where the flesh was sloughing off as you say, so I thought that was the best place to put it to take advantage of that. Yes, I’m reminded of X Files too and also HPL’s “The Colour Out of Space” as well as the Creep Show humorous adaptation with Steven King, lol.

      I agree, nothing wrong with daemonic paperwork at all, though it is my opinion and I harangue my rotting forces when the odd plaguebearer brings up anything accountancy-based, that they should stick to spreading disease and blessed rot and leave the feathered ones to do what they do best, which I think includes paperwork. Imagine a hell where it is nothing but paperwork within paperwork leading to a literal infinity of more paperwork. Something that I would indeed wish on my worst Grey Knight foes.

      And, yes, the blue scribes are cool. 🙂


  6. Yay for more clever diseases, though at the same time I’m glad I never became a Doctor who might have to deal with this stuff!

    Love the narrative, and that acrylic texture paste was a great experiment. I also really liked the green stuffed hand/tentacle. I should probably be grossed out by the Nurgling’s black/brown (don’t even tell me what it is!) cute butt, but hey I’m a parent of a toddler.

    The tongue looks like it turned out pretty well too, but hard to capture all that with the camera.

    Great job on your Jewel! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much. I used to dislike molds, jellies, slimes, etc. in D&D back when I played it (mostly as a DM) many years ago as not being “thematic” in that I was more interested in knightly tales of daring do and so forth. It didn’t seem to me that overcoming/avoiding/dealing with Green Slime, etc. fit into that very well. But now that I’m older and somewhat less enamored or perhaps beguiled by Sir Malory and his ilk and more dedicated to Nurgle, such things seem very thematic indeed!

      I edited my post and sneaked in a quick tongue picture.

      As a parent of a toddler I think that makes you an adept of Nurgle by default. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, yes I guess that makes me the proud owner of a real life Nurgling. Assuming they are also hyperactive and like to run around saying “Oh Dear!”, which is what she is currently doing. 🤪

        I always loved the odd creatures
        in D&D, especially slimes, molds, etc. Maybe because I was the DM mainly.

        Liked by 1 person

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